Третий сезон? Есть ли надежда?
Mike77 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:46 | Сообщение » 641 |
Сообщений: 4522
| kite, Вот что там на твитерах: У Миллера:
Hey! I like this gate!
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kite | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:49 | Сообщение » 642 |
Сообщений: 1373
| Quote (Mike77) kite, Вот что там на твитерах: А, всё равно не вижу.. Кто-нить выложите о чём чат. Там вроде интересно: такой откровенности я от ФРидмана ещё не видел. Впрочем, вроде про продолжение шоу сами ещё не знают. Зато про сам сериал интересно рассказывают.
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Mike77 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:49 | Сообщение » 643 |
Сообщений: 4522
| Я зашёл на чат, но там нет логво старых (до моего захода) разговоров. Да и не очень я люблю чаты, там разобраться с ходу как-то не получается: == 10:44 irc.mibbit.net *** Looking up your hostname... 10:44 irc.mibbit.net *** Found your hostname (cached) 10:44 *** guest_358 joined #savethescc #savethescc Welcome to The Chatroom of www.savethescc.com Topic set by aelysian on Mon Apr 27 2009 07:51:47 GMT+0400 (MSD) 10:45 timt2318 why? it'll be awesome 10:45 equustel @aelysian - now that is inexcusable! 10:45 JH what good excuse for skipping? 10:45 talli So many people I talk to think the show is just a TV version of the movie. "Why do we need another one of those?" But when they hear me recommend it, they are interested 10:45 honestyy im just sick of people asking when its all announced 10:45 RebelFraggle Please tape that drunk phone call 10:45 cinebo LOL ASH 10:45 guest_138 TSCC getting renewed has overshadowed T4. 10:45 schmacky I want you all to know that I'm psychic.. it goes back generations in my family. SCC will be renewed. Oh yes it will. 10:45 LucasZenHannon I may drunk dial Fox News. 10:45 Thecolours @Josh what other names did you have in mind for SCC as a show title? 10:45 ml805 .. 10:45 jessicatron do not drink and dial 10:45 CIsaac @ashman01 -- C'mon! We'd pay good money to hear that! 10:45 jessicatron that should be a psa as well 10:45 cinebo no lets all spam Ausiello's inbox lol 10:45 timt2318 Schmacky, how often are you wrong? 10:45 talli @ash Maybe you'll drunk dial the Fox hotline--if they ever empty their voicemail 10:45 JH i psychic to coicidence 10:45 antar ah... Ausiello... 10:45 *** guest_337 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:46 ashman01 i think james middleton came up with the title but I could be wrong 10:46 cuzzin Josh, if the show is renewed, do you see S3 taking place mostly in the future? 10:46 jessicatron ausiello is my homeboy 10:46 schmacky @tim.. honestly that's besides the point. THe point is SCC WILL BE renewed! 10:46 Belial69699 TSCC isnt exactly a tv show of the movie, yes it follows some elements of the movie to an extent but TSCC is going its own way 10:46 jfhenry @colours: I inherited the title. and i've never liked it. 10:46 *** ED-209 joined #savethescc 10:46 wahoo4 any response Josh F. Thanks 10:46 Belial69699 It sure as hell isnt following T3 10:46 guest_073 everybody says there won't be drunk dialing until the bottle of scotch is placed before them. these things just sort of happen... 10:46 kevinj talli they'll leave it until after Monday, saw that coming a mile away 10:46 RebelFraggle Has anyone read all the comments on the Deadline Hollywood? In the post about DH getting renewed it is all people commenting with "BUT WHAT ABOUT TSCC?" 10:46 GKnee77 Thomas smoke dialed fox 10:46 JH dont let weirdos scare u off @ashman 10:46 timt2318 i feel that way too, i jsut wanted to give you a hard time. should i buy ford stock? 10:46 *** equustel quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:46 schmacky @josh.. if you could name it anythiing, what would it be? 10:46 hero77 watched 1 episode of dollhouse, was bored to tears 10:46 SADGUY +++ 10:46 jessicatron he looked drunk in that video 10:46 guest_378 will the tscc be on a different network if things dont work out on monday?? 10:46 starkiller Sarah's in the past 10:46 persia Um JH we are the weirdos 10:47 starkiller present, wev 10:47 antar DH is okay, but compared to TSCC... 10:47 talli @thecolours Didn't Josh wanna just call it Sarah Connor Chronicles? Which ironically would have eliminated the fact that people didn't want to watch it cuz it was Terminator 10:47 guest_138 Dollhouse getting renewed before TSCC is a crime. 10:47 *** guest_971 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:47 ml805 Sarah can jump through 10:47 timt2318 speak for yourself persia, 10:47 honestyy @ jessica - until he goes serious at the end 10:47 CIsaac Let's not worry too much about DH, guys. ==
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FK100 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:51 | Сообщение » 644 |
Сообщений: 4013
| понятно я на 3 мин раньше зашёл
Отредактировано FK100 - Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:52 |
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Mike77 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:56 | Сообщение » 645 |
Сообщений: 4522
| === 10:47 jfhenry I never had a good title for it. 10:47 jessicatron i thought dollhouse was in the shitter anyway? 10:47 RoxyB @starkiller - that's a good reason for the show not to be set exclusively in the future 10:47 Intrepid It'll be renewed, the possible replacements all sound terrible! 10:47 cinebo @JOSH for TSCC? 10:47 hero77 only good thing about the episode was the girl in a dominatrix outfit.. thats it. 10:47 persia hahah timt 10:47 aelysian I'm with CIssac. Happy for them, but let's not obsess. 10:47 ashman01 i'm happy for dollhouse. I think we should support our fans, and joss is one of them 10:47 wahoo4 @jfhenry can you tells us anything about why Cameron responded the way she did when Ellison asked her "Will you join us"? 10:48 timt2318 well i do have a relatively normal life, 10:48 Belial69699 I think there is a reason why they are waiting at the last minute to let people know whether or not TSCC is getting renewed, not sure of the reason though... 10:48 timt2318 persia 10:48 persia 10:48 RoxyB @Bella - hype 10:48 LucasZenHannon Writers: If there is one thing you wish to accomplish, one message you want to relay with TSCC, what would it be? 10:48 RoxyB it'll be big news 10:48 GKnee77 suspense 10:48 Leetmouse dollhouse is good but its not TSCC 10:48 JH its sick is what it is belaia 10:48 persia YES will you join us haunts my dreams 10:48 Belial69699 lol 10:48 RebelFraggle @wahoo4 that is the message John asked the T1000 10:48 ED-209 Has pin dropping silence ever been a good omen? 10:48 antar okay, enough dollhouse talk... they got their renewal 10:48 GKnee77 creates curiosity=ratings 10:48 ashman01 lucas: never trust a fucking robot. 10:48 starkiller Sarah can do things then they can show how it affects John &co in the future 10:48 schmacky @Bella.. maybe they wanna create Terminator hype? doesn't matter if it's for the show, as long as the word "Terminator" is out there, it's good for the movie... yeah, wishful thinking.. but still 10:48 morricone the funny thing is, in germany is that we have a singer called sarah connor and the show is only called TSCC because everyone would be like: "a show about whom?!?" 10:49 LucasZenHannon oh, snap. 10:49 JH FIGHT THE POWER! 10:49 Thecolours Is it possible Fox won't say anything about SCC at the upfronts? Will they remain mum and run away before any reporters ask them? 10:49 CIsaac @ashman01 -- Dude, that's awesome. 10:49 Belial69699 they blew things wide open on the season finale, the show has limitless possibilities for storylines atm 10:49 cinebo @JOSH if u mean TSCC why didnt you like the title? 10:49 timt2318 it's possible 10:49 persia Yeah I heard that morri 10:49 starkiller Cameron didin't want JOhn to know what she was goint o do 10:49 astropixie Okay. Noted. Not trusting robots. Except Wall-E. 10:49 dvin211 To bad they couldn't show reruns of some the best episodes 10:49 schmacky @morr.. yeah if you google Sarah Connor ya get the singer.. gotta throw in "chronicles" in there to get more specific 10:49 antar Here in croatia, the Terminator word was cut out of the title... at least i think so... 10:49 RoxyB Wall-E wins 10:49 honestyy it should ahve been the john connor chronicles 10:49 LucasZenHannon WALL-E. 10:49 SADGUY Pro7 is a shame 10:49 RebelFraggle WALL-E! \o/ 10:49 heroeswench Night everyone. Not feeling well 10:49 LucasZenHannon He should so make a cameo. 10:49 RoxyB night heroes 10:49 cinebo @ASTRO i still gotta see Wall-E 10:49 jfhenry tooooooo long. the title 10:49 LucasZenHannon Fuck that, a cross-over. 10:50 timt2318 Wall-E's a killer, dont let the demeanor fool u 10:50 Belial69699 right now if FOX were to cancel TSCC with the release of Terminator Salvation (plus the other two movies yet to be made), itd be a huge mistake 10:50 schmacky WAAAAAAALLLLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 10:50 persia HAL 10:50 aelysian C3P0. Dude. 10:50 cinebo oh lol 10:50 astropixie Night, heroes! 10:50 GKnee77 aww night 10:50 jessicatron night heroes feel better 10:50 persia OPen the pod bay doors//// I hate that movie 10:50 wahoo4 @rebelFraggle she responded in a upset way. Why? Was it because she didn't want to break John's trust? 10:50 GKnee77 feel better 10:50 LucasZenHannon Fuck 3PO. 10:50 Leetmouse any possibility of shopping it to another network if the worst happens? 10:50 cinebo nite liz 10:50 heroeswench Thanks so much to Josh Ash (Dan who is gone) and everyone else who works on it for the best show on TV! We love you guys! 10:50 LucasZenHannon Leet, let's not think like that. 10:50 RoxyB @Lucas - dude? 10:50 LucasZenHannon Postive thoughts, people 10:50 cinebo DITTO 10:50 heroeswench nite everyone and thanks 10:50 JH why go to night i actually have to work tommorow sucks for me 10:50 RebelFraggle @wahoo no idea, that is for season 3 to answer 10:50 persia bye 10:50 schmacky damnit i have to be at work in 5 hours. damn you josh! damn you ash! 10:50 *** heroeswench quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:50 *** The_GodfatherSJP joined #savethescc 10:50 hero77 haha can we get Megan Fox to show up in TSCC =] Be pretty funny in alot of ways 10:50 ED-209 What would Spock do? 10:50 LucasZenHannon Roxy - not literally :[ 10:51 JH not natural work on sun 10:51 guest_138 Announcing a third season of TSCC before the release of T4 should be Fox's strategy. 10:51 timt2318 JH, work is overrated. you dont have to pay bills 10:51 CIsaac All wound up now schmacky? 10:51 RoxyB @Lucas - *whew* === Ну короче, постоянный поток за которым надо следить, чтобы быть в курсе Добавлено (17.05.2009, 10:56) --------------------------------------------- Продолжение: === 10:51 cinebo my son wakes up in 4 hours lol sooo worth it 10:51 timt2318 didnt i say that to you before JH? 10:51 GKnee77 megan and brian split so prolly not 10:51 Leetmouse but you need to have your bases covered..... 10:51 jessicatron i want to know megan fox. that's all i am saying. the end. 10:51 LucasZenHannon D2, on the other hand... 10:51 hero77 I feel you 10:51 JH no one bizs 10:51 LucasZenHannon Who DOESN'T. 10:51 starkiller r2d2 10:51 schmacky @Isaac.. no I am dead friggin' tired... but this is too much fun 10:51 hero77 split? they're spotted every other day 10:51 kaotic @leetmouse I would hope that there would be some shopping if it's canceled. The fans worked hard, and WB and everyone needs to work just as hard to make sure it's survives imo. 10:51 LucasZenHannon With a period, for emphasis. 10:51 nlynn This has been beyond great. Thanks for being here Josh and Ash. (And dan, but he left.) It's really appreciated. Have a great night, all. 10:51 Belial69699 psh, TSCC doesnt need Megan Fox 10:51 hero77 She ever been on the set? 10:51 RoxyB @schmacky - just be Cameron tonight... "I don't sleep" 10:51 persia BAG said they were togehteron the 4th 10:51 hero77 are you serious =[ 10:51 Belial69699 weve got Summer Glau, no power in the verse can stop us! =P 10:51 persia in skynext 10:52 cinebo @KAOTIC yeah we worked hard....I got naked!! lol 10:52 hero77 Summer versus Megan Fox 10:52 kevinj @leet Kaotic Josh said if it isn't renewed it is done 10:52 morricone RoxyB, I will probably do that 10:52 GKnee77 check her twitter 10:52 timt2318 I'm sure a sweet *ss deal from WB would help 10:52 schmacky @Roxy.. I'd love to be Cameron.. then I could have John Connor hehe 10:52 talli Tabloids are always saying they've split, but it's never true 10:52 *** dvin211 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:52 JH we weirdos are the future 10:52 hero77 the normal girl vs. the glam 10:52 wahoo4 @Rebel well I hoped for Josh to answer that question. lol 10:52 The_GodfatherSJP Okay guys GodfatherSJP popping in for a bit 10:52 schmacky oh that's so wrong, he's too young lol 10:52 RoxyB LOL @ scmacky 10:52 talli Sure it's her twitter account 10:52 persia True CINEBO was Naked 10:52 talli ? 10:52 castellan_craft @Josh Gawd forbid it happen, but if the show goes poof, would you dare to brave the fan fic that will insue? 10:52 persia work safe 10:52 The_GodfatherSJP Seems like I missed quite a lot today I need a summary 10:52 *** nlynn quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:52 *** guest_440 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:52 timt2318 wait, are you The_Godfather from tvbythenumbers? 10:52 jfhenry i'll never read fan fic. I can barely read my own fic. 10:52 Leetmouse wb must realize we are the ones they want in the theater 10:52 talli She goes out alone, and suddenly they've broken up. Ridiculous 10:52 Zable Hey there, Godfather. 10:53 GKnee77 pretty sure, hmm good question 10:53 RoxyB @catellan - the fanfic will be vast and going in a million different directions 10:53 JH they talked and talked notin much godfather 10:53 *** ED-209 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:53 LucasZenHannon @Godfather Roxy is not Lena. That is all. 10:53 persia Are we talking SG or MF? 10:53 schmacky LOL 10:53 CIsaac @Josh -- probably a wise strategy. 10:53 Thecolours @GodfatherSJP It's either a season 3 on Fox, or nothing at all 10:53 castellan_craft Hahahahaha 10:53 The_GodfatherSJP both TVBYTTHEnumbers and Terminator WIKI, but if you're wondering about the TVbythenumbers posts, I'll explain that 10:53 JH do i need to kiss ur ring now/ 10:53 LucasZenHannon hahahahaha 10:53 cinebo see?---naked...Sarah Connor made me get naked damnit lol 2nd pic down =D http://io9.com/5244278....he-ways 10:53 RebelFraggle OKay, here is the plan, we get Dawn Ostroff booted from the CW, she is ruining it anyway, and then we let Josh take over 10:53 guest_378 #josh can you get me an autograph from summerglau? 10:53 RoxyB @Lucas - LOL 10:53 *** R joined #savethescc 10:53 timt2318 no, i look at tvbythenumbers. i think nick c is full of it 10:53 --- RJunkes is away (Auto away) 10:53 RebelFraggle THat was the WB can play TSCC ALL DAY 10:53 The_GodfatherSJP so do I 10:53 RoxyB but maybe I am 10:53 LucasZenHannon God, I do notwant to click that link 10:54 Belial69699 k, Im lost.. which one is Josh.. keep seeing questions getting directed towards him? lol >.< 10:54 RoxyB probably not though 10:54 The_GodfatherSJP I was trying to draw him out 10:54 Leetmouse ash have you ever done any novels? or thought about it? 10:54 LucasZenHannon Even if it IS io9. 10:54 cinebo LOL 10:54 *** guest_999 joined #savethescc 10:54 Thecolours Nick C makes it up as he goes 10:54 jfhenry i'm josh 10:54 The_GodfatherSJP he's a net troll, who keeps himself very well informed 10:54 antar @rebel i like that idea 10:54 cinebo only hald naked dude im covered by a bog logo 10:54 timt2318 he's so vague, he's guessing. i bet he's a bartneder or something 10:54 cinebo big 10:54 JH josh is gone dont like us lol 10:54 Belial69699 kk, that clears that up XD 10:54 cuzzin Josh, have you had any recent contact with the Fox execs regarding the show, and if so, did you come away with good feelings? 10:54 The_GodfatherSJP notice he never told me the name of Summer's new movie when I asked 10:54 *** Strandwolf joined #savethescc 10:54 The_GodfatherSJP I played the part of the aggrieved fan to draw him out 10:54 cinebo hlaf 10:54 The_GodfatherSJP Told Zable all about it 10:54 cinebo nm im tired 10:54 timt2318 i saw that, he doesnt answer a lot of questions. 10:54 Russell @Josh If Season 3 occurs then will you start the Season in the future or the present? 10:54 Zable That's right. ===
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colombina_bambina | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 10:58 | Сообщение » 646 |
Сообщений: 879
| Quote (VIRTUOZ) Я и сам ка кто посмотрел несколько серий Хауса Да уж, доктор что не любит одевать халат, весь из себя "не такой как все" и всегда то он может ответ найти и все такое, интересно он хоть раз ошибался ну хотя бы чтобы разбавить победное шествие доктора Хауса по недоучкам и недоумкам сериала?
Не долго мучилась старушка в высоковольтных проводах, Ее обугленная тушка внушала певчим птичкам страх.
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FK100 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:01 | Сообщение » 647 |
Сообщений: 4013
| под каким ником там Джош? ================================== 10:54 *** guest_440 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:54 timt2318 wait, are you The_Godfather from tvbythenumbers? 10:54 jfhenry i'll never read fan fic. I can barely read my own fic. 10:54 Leetmouse wb must realize we are the ones they want in the theater 10:54 talli She goes out alone, and suddenly they've broken up. Ridiculous 10:54 Zable Hey there, Godfather. 10:54 GKnee77 pretty sure, hmm good question 10:54 RoxyB @catellan - the fanfic will be vast and going in a million different directions 10:54 JH they talked and talked notin much godfather 10:54 *** ED-209 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:54 LucasZenHannon @Godfather Roxy is not Lena. That is all. 10:54 persia Are we talking SG or MF? 10:54 schmacky LOL 10:54 CIsaac @Josh -- probably a wise strategy. 10:54 Thecolours @GodfatherSJP It's either a season 3 on Fox, or nothing at all 10:55 castellan_craft Hahahahaha 10:55 The_GodfatherSJP both TVBYTTHEnumbers and Terminator WIKI, but if you're wondering about the TVbythenumbers posts, I'll explain that 10:55 JH do i need to kiss ur ring now/ 10:55 LucasZenHannon hahahahaha 10:55 cinebo see?---naked...Sarah Connor made me get naked damnit lol 2nd pic down =D http://io9.com/5244278/how-do-you-love-sarah-connor-let-us-count-the-ways 10:55 RebelFraggle OKay, here is the plan, we get Dawn Ostroff booted from the CW, she is ruining it anyway, and then we let Josh take over 10:55 guest_378 #josh can you get me an autograph from summerglau? 10:55 RoxyB @Lucas - LOL 10:55 *** R joined #savethescc 10:55 timt2318 no, i look at tvbythenumbers. i think nick c is full of it 10:55 --- RJunkes is away (Auto away) 10:55 RebelFraggle THat was the WB can play TSCC ALL DAY 10:55 The_GodfatherSJP so do I 10:55 RoxyB but maybe I am 10:55 LucasZenHannon God, I do notwant to click that link 10:55 Belial69699 k, Im lost.. which one is Josh.. keep seeing questions getting directed towards him? lol >.< 10:55 RoxyB probably not though 10:55 The_GodfatherSJP I was trying to draw him out 10:55 Leetmouse ash have you ever done any novels? or thought about it? 10:55 LucasZenHannon Even if it IS io9. 10:55 cinebo LOL 10:55 *** guest_999 joined #savethescc 10:55 Thecolours Nick C makes it up as he goes 10:55 jfhenry i'm josh 10:55 The_GodfatherSJP he's a net troll, who keeps himself very well informed 10:55 antar @rebel i like that idea 10:55 cinebo only hald naked dude im covered by a bog logo 10:55 timt2318 he's so vague, he's guessing. i bet he's a bartneder or something 10:55 cinebo big 10:55 JH josh is gone dont like us lol 10:56 Belial69699 kk, that clears that up XD 10:56 cuzzin Josh, have you had any recent contact with the Fox execs regarding the show, and if so, did you come away with good feelings? 10:56 The_GodfatherSJP notice he never told me the name of Summer's new movie when I asked 10:56 *** Strandwolf joined #savethescc 10:56 The_GodfatherSJP I played the part of the aggrieved fan to draw him out 10:56 cinebo hlaf 10:56 The_GodfatherSJP Told Zable all about it 10:56 cinebo nm im tired 10:56 timt2318 i saw that, he doesnt answer a lot of questions. 10:56 Russell @Josh If Season 3 occurs then will you start the Season in the future or the present? 10:56 Zable That's right. 10:56 *** guest_665 joined #savethescc 10:56 JH he cant answer q 10:56 R wow u guys are still here. we're awesome! 10:56 LucasZenHannon AHA, Question for writers again: Which character do you most connect with? Why? 10:56 aelysian Wow, okay. For the newcomers. Follow the rules. Respect the people here, the cast, crew, humanity in general. Don't spam. Don't piss us off because it's 3AM and we'll kick your ass out. Deal? 10:56 persia I am running on only adrenaline right now 10:56 antar lol 10:56 timt2318 i saw on like 7 different posts someone asking what fox expected on their friday night lineup i dont think he answered dude 10:57 kaotic @leetmouse I would hope that if the fans can fight to keep the show going, and fight to really keep everyones jobs then WB and the other company can fight to keep the show going for the fans. That is my opinion on this anyway. 10:57 JH Josh are u alive? 10:57 guest_378 who is ash on here 10:57 cinebo amen aelysian 10:57 jessicatron i think everyone here is awesome, but i'm too scared to geek out completely. 10:57 kevinj aelysian you rock 10:57 honestyy how do you kick us out? 10:57 guest_999 hello? 10:57 SADGUY hello 10:57 jessicatron i think i'm just twittering on a chatroom. ignore my ramblings. 10:57 The_GodfatherSJP so I kept playing the card of "I'm hurt that Josh may have known and not said anything" over and over, hoping he'd make a mistake in pity 10:57 honestyy (just curious) 10:57 The_GodfatherSJP man's too smart for that 10:57 JH take a wild guess who are u @ashman? 10:57 ashman01 derek. because like him, I lived through the apocalypse and traveled back in time to kill my best friend. 10:57 *** equustel joined #savethescc 10:57 timt2318 dude, josh is here 10:57 Belial69699 @honesty, they have mod priveledges 10:57 jfhenry i like writing all of them. but the most pure writer fun is any of the terminators. 10:57 hero77 @bella for the record - any program benefits from megan fox =] 10:57 *** guest_173 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:57 jessicatron HAHA ash 10:57 honestyy thanks 10:57 The_GodfatherSJP what he was saying made no sense, unless you buy the idea that every writer, actor, producer, and exec at WB was in on some massive conspiracy 10:57 astropixie ash, that might go in my sig 10:57 ashman01 actually, qft Josh 10:58 schmacky alright it's been awesome and fun. Thanks JOSH and ASH. g'night everyone 10:58 RebelFraggle @ashman perfect answer 10:58 timt2318 and nick c is full of crap. Ask josh yourself, he's here 10:58 LucasZenHannon Ah. 10:58 Zable Night Schmacky. 10:58 RoxyB you leaving us schmacky? 10:58 jessicatron night schmacky 10:58 ashman01 and in my heart of hearts... I <3 Murch 10:58 RoxyB good night then 10:58 CIsaac Night, schmacky. 10:58 LucasZenHannon night. 10:58 jessicatron murch is a sexy biatch 10:58 honestyy bye 10:58 castellan_craft night schmacky 10:58 The_GodfatherSJP I KNOW NICK C IS FULL OF CRAP (sorry to shout but there's no italics 10:58 R @hero77 dude megan fox should be in s3 of tscc as a guest 10:58 aelysian Night, schmacky! 10:58 guest_999 oh you have to scroll down to see chat 10:58 schmacky @Roxy.. yes, I must. Stupid work makin me work out at 5am. Bastards. 10:58 Leetmouse anyone logging this f'ing chat? 10:58 JH night smy so sad cant even spell ur mane 10:58 CIsaac Murch should have played baseball with those sliding skills. 10:58 guest_378 can we get more jameron scenes if season 3 comes? 10:58 timt2318 rob and bill suck too 10:58 guest_138 no megan fox in TSCC ever. 10:58 kevinj night schmancy 10:58 *** guest_504 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:58 jessicatron he's a likable character even though nothing he says makes any sense. 10:58 timt2318 though, not as much 10:58 hero77 BAG could clearly swing it 10:59 cinebo @TIMT u think he heard you lol? 10:59 rjmatz @ash murch actually has a bit of a following at the terminator wiki. that power slide he did to turn off JH made him legendary 10:59 hero77 hey honey, come on set and look hot 10:59 hero77 -bag 10:59 timt2318 i dont think so 10:59 aelysian We are logging the chat. Fingers crossed that it works. 10:59 *** The_GodfatherSJP quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:59 cinebo lol oops 10:59 astropixie We're attempting to log it. No promises on how clean it will look... 10:59 jessicatron this show makes me feel bad for having a crush on BAG. 10:59 Thecolours I'm still waiting for Lanie Grace to roll in here anytime now... 10:59 *** Glycerine joined #savethescc 10:59 jfhenry i forget about murch. i love writing murch. 10:59 JH Godfather gone/ 10:59 astropixie Oh, Lanie. Queen of wank. 10:59 timt2318 f*ck lanie grace 10:59 RoxyB @colours - LOL 10:59 kevinj I like Meagan Fox, but why all of the sudden is she the female Chuck Norris? 10:59 cinebo @ASTRO cant someone just copy and paste the room? 10:59 SADGUY yes, please Lanie Grace join us ! 10:59 LordByronX this show is full of AWESOME! 10:59 *** guest_473 joined #savethescc 10:59 JH murch a trip
Отредактировано FK100 - Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:14 |
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Mike77 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:11 | Сообщение » 648 |
Сообщений: 4522
| Ну вот очередная порция. == 10:58 JH murch a trip 10:58 persia Wank not discussion 10:58 CIsaac Thou Shalt Not Say LG's Name. 10:58 guest_999 long chats are hard to copy/paste 10:58 hero77 imo - she should play the next lara croft 10:58 Belial69699 @kevin she isnt 10:58 *** schmacky quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:58 castellan_craft Heh, Lena beat Megan Fox on the AE top 100 10:58 *** cuzzin quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:58 Belial69699 Angelina Jolie is 10:58 jessicatron everyone thinks that 10:58 starkiller i <3 Murch 10:58 *** guest_999 is now known as vdragon 10:58 *** guest_378 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:58 timt2318 lanie grace, lanie grace, lanie grace.... oh, f*ck! now i have the urge to lie and make stuff up 10:58 Thecolours Summer should play the next Ripley. 10:58 hero77 Jolie is amazing, in every way, I just think her time has passed for that role 10:58 LucasZenHannon Well, Lena has that one particular scene in 300.... 10:58 *** The_GodfatherSJP joined #savethescc 10:58 GKnee77 So if it's not megan's twitter then prolly not BAG either 10:58 *** john joined #savethescc 10:59 The_GodfatherSJP DOH 10:59 JH oh dragon i ocd with dreagons 10:59 The_GodfatherSJP that was an accident 10:59 Belial69699 psh, I dont care much for Megan Fox, she looks too fake to me. shes good in the transformer movies thats about it, has good chemistry with Shia 10:59 cinebo lol timt 10:59 persia Summer could play just about anyone and we would be happy! 10:59 morricone i have logs for the last 2,5h 10:59 *** Intrepid quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 10:59 JH john ? 10:59 jessicatron @Lucas why, which one do you mean? 10:59 timt2318 you have no idea how much i hate lanie grace, she's a net whore 10:59 timt2318 is that a word? i'm using it anyway 10:59 The_GodfatherSJP let's not bring up Lanie again 10:59 cinebo you mean bitch-whore? ; ) 10:59 hero77 I dig more glam girls, so fox is top dog.. I assume if you like more plain girls summer is your champ 10:59 jessicatron net whore is not a word 10:59 cinebo ok doine 10:59 jessicatron 10:59 astropixie No. Not a bitch whore. Not cool enough. 10:59 LucasZenHannon Lena's entire performance in 300 was f'n badass. 10:59 JH i no be happy till show renwed I like ALL characters 10:59 morricone attention whore works pretty well 10:59 The_GodfatherSJP I've already spent some time trying to debunk her. 10:59 CIsaac Let's not worry too much about LG. We have Josh and Ash here, folks. Talk about the show! 10:59 aelysian I should add: ANYONE WITH LOGS OF THIS: if you could be so kind, email what you have to moderators@savethescc.com . Just in case, we'd like to have copies. We are anal that way. 10:59 *** john is now known as Guest41121 10:59 timt2318 lol, cinebo - but internet is more apt 10:59 cinebo haHA touche 10:59 *** Zokreb joined #savethescc 11:00 equustel @Lucas agreed. 11:00 hero77 BAG got it right, oh you're 18? Lets get married. 11:00 steel1x1 Summer should be in the new Terminator movies.She is that awesome. 11:00 *** guest_308 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 11:00 talli @GK Definitely not BAG. Would be kind of weird if a week after he said he'd never start a twitter account, he started one 11:00 equustel when I saw 300 I was already scoping her out as Sarah Connor 11:00 JH who LG? 11:00 Thecolours @ Josh Are you going to work on new pilot if SCC is a no go? 11:00 airofina i agree steel 11:00 starkiller love the beer bong engineering 11:00 timt2318 Lanie debunks her self - i wonder if she's mentally retarded somehow 11:00 SADGUY lol 11:00 hero77 I think BAG could be in the movies.. he's got that christian bale seriousness 11:00 JH LOL STAR 11:00 equustel I remember back when the show was first greenlit! Sigh. I never expected it to rock so hard. 11:00 jessicatron i'm kind of concerned about christian bale using the batman voice, it's kinda gay. 11:00 cinebo @aelysian damn chat only goes so long back or i would =( 11:00 persia Yay Plain girls do rule! 11:00 The_GodfatherSJP Mr. Miller, Mr. Friedman, you should know that I took it upon myself to inform anyone who linked to her posts what a fraud she was. Got several sites to pull their links to her after I told them about her history, got the emails to prove it 11:00 timt2318 and i wanna whoop Nick C's *ss 11:00 *** Milo quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 11:00 R @steel1x1 tscc storyline should be in the movies too. 11:00 Belial69699 BAG has lots of acting potential, its just a shame he doesnt get the opportunities to show it. I think people are still just stuck in his 90210 days. 11:00 jfhenry @thecolours:yes. a new pilot. probably write a movie, too. definitely a pilot. 11:00 LucasZenHannon Lol, jessica. 11:00 JH LOL JES 11:00 castellan_craft I saw 300 at 2 am while twitching on a caffeine overdose. XD 11:00 equustel @jessica he's definitely not using the Batman voice as John Connor 11:01 Guest41121 @ josh, what are our chances the show will be renewed? 11:01 GKnee77 they seemed genuine being careful not to spill too much info IDK, I can be niave about that stuff 11:01 astropixie Cinebo, send what you have anyway. My recording here is really bad... 11:01 morricone Summer should be in every movie If you ask me, well in every good movie at least 11:01 RoxyB @Jessica - me too, Batman John Connor is kind of weird 11:01 aelysian Cinebo - I know. Anything anyone has is fine. We'll piece it together if we have to. 11:01 hero77 Batman is Kevin Conroy 11:01 Belial69699 @hero, one sec about plain girls 11:01 LucasZenHannon Dunnanananana 11:01 cinebo Belia - i love ya but purple txt on lback is hard to see =) 11:01 LucasZenHannon Batman 11:01 hero77 and imo, Mark Hamill still owns the joker 11:01 guest_138 Batman asks Cameron, "Why So Serious?" 11:01 CIsaac @roxyb -- Bruce Connor? John Wayne (doh!) ? BatMessiah? 11:01 Thecolours @josh will it be more episodic? 11:01 JH @Josh @Ash please respond and calm them down rofl 11:01 equustel @hero so much yes. 11:01 *** newbie joined #savethescc 11:01 Belial69699 I like people that dont come off to me as fake or above other people. like they are better than others or are superior to them in some way- 11:02 RebelFraggle @new people, scroll up for the answers you seek 11:02 equustel I just call him Bale Connor and Bale Wayne 11:02 cinebo @ AEL j ill try my best 11:02 timt2318 they cant see them if they just logged in 11:02 LordByronX @Josh @Ashman who are your favorite characterrs to write 11:02 RebelFraggle damn 11:02 aelysian Everyone - try to remember there's a lot of people in here. Conversations between individuals should PLEASE take place in PMs. Try to stay 'on topic' if you can. 11:02 hero77 Kevin Conroy's voice was incredible 11:02 RebelFraggle never mind 11:02 jessicatron Bale "Fuck" Connor? 11:02 honestyy @ Rebel scroll only goes so far 11:02 kevinj @Josh Ash will your next show be a scifi show or something else 11:02 jfhenry what am I supposed to answer? don't know about show renewal? 11:02 Belial69699 to me, everything I have seen and read about Summer, is she is down to earth, friendly, cares about her fans and is just likte the "girl next door" so to speak. 11:02 RoxyB Me and Christian Bale are fucking done professionally 11:02 persia I had a huge crush on Bruse Wayne between the ages of 14 and 17 11:02 *** guest_821 joined #savethescc 11:02 *** guest_185 joined #savethescc 11:02 jessicatron LOL 11:02 airofina lmao Roxy 11:03 R roxyb - lol 11:03 JH save only legit stuff for shatroom 11:03 timt2318 i liked the pink ranger, kimberly. she's on flashpoint now 11:03 jessicatron "professionally" 11:03 astropixie Ash, you've been typing something for ten minutes now. It's making me nervous. 11:03 Guest41121 josh when is season 2 dvd coming out? 11:03 *** guest_821 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 11:03 RebelFraggle This week NEEDS to eb awesome, we need a pick up tomorrow and T4 to rock! 11:03 cinebo @AELYSIAN check DM real quick plz 11:03 Leetmouse he fell asleep 11:03 Thecolours @ Josh it's my hope that you can get a new pilot greenlight with Summer as the lead. 11:03 LucasZenHannon he's going to tell us about th future 11:03 persia Probably his Dear John letter to us 11:03 jessicatron @astro type stalker! 11:03 hero77 Bella, I get what you're saying.. But Megan comes off extremely shy and nervous, and not veryyyyy low self esteem 11:03 JH ppl remain calm 11:03 persia Oh I made a pun! 11:03 R season2 is on preorder on amazon i htink 11:03 hero77 doesn't seem to me like shes fake, or high and mighty at all 11:03 astropixie It's so big and orange! 11:03 RoxyB it is 11:03 jfhenry @kevinj I love writing sf and while we may be experiencing a weird little golden age with the various genre shows that are out, most of them fail and it's a tough sell. My agent practically hangs up on me if I use the word spaceship. 11:04 morricone lol 11:04 LucasZenHannon LOL 11:04 Belial69699 time will tell I guess. 11:04 R lol 11:04 castellan_craft rofl 11:04 SADGUY haha 11:04 airofina lol 11:04 antar that's not very nice of him... 11:04 lilind lol 11:04 rjmatz lol 11:04 jessicatron @hero i laughed at those pics i saw of her grabbing BAG's crotch. she's my kind of woman! 11:04 LucasZenHannon Use spaceSHUTTLE, man. 11:04 JH please wait 30 sec 11:04 timt2318 you should fire your agent 11:04 kevinj @Josh too bad, you've a mind for it 11:04 R lol 11:04 *** guest_473 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 11:04 R spaceShuttle! 11:04 The_GodfatherSJP personally these days anything is a tough sell on broadcast if its not a crime procedural or a medical drama 11:04 CIsaac @Josh -- Never give up! Never surrender! 11:04 Leetmouse @josh I have a story about a boy and his termina..... oh wait 11:04 persia I can't think of questions and that will make me so mad tomorrow 11:04 jfhenry that's not to say I won't write one, it's just challenging for broadcast. 11:04 hero77 BAGs a lucky man.. 11:04 RebelFraggle @Josh your writing is awesome and we will follow you whatever you decide to create in the future 11:05 The_GodfatherSJP Is it me or are all the shows becoming the same except for Sci-Fi? It's kinda depressing 11:05 talli I feel like Ash might've passed out on his keyboard... 11:05 *** guest_216 joined #savethescc 11:05 jessicatron lol 11:05 Zable @Godfather: In other words, boring. 11:05 LucasZenHannon I think we all will. 11:05 jfhenry well ash is probably drunk. 11:05 GKnee77 is it true that there are only 5,000 nielson boxes in the us representing the opinions of millions of viewers, i read that somewhere is it true? 11:05 cinebo DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY RECORD OF THE CHAT FROM EARLIER IN THE NIGHT? 11:05 timt2318 they're the same. 30M people wathcing a singing competition is depressing 11:05 LucasZenHannon We've all grown to like ya guys. 11:05 guest_073 haha 11:05 The_GodfatherSJP no kidding 11:05 Belial69699 @talli no hes looking in his desk drawer for that bottle of whiskey 11:05 talli @Godfather All the shows have been the same except Sci Fi for a long time 11:05 kevinj @Josh singing robot contest not a bad idea 11:05 LucasZenHannon NO. 11:05 persia No I wish 11:05 honestyy @ godfather - especially regular drama - its all taking the priviledged life approach nowadays 11:05 JH if everyone loves josh and ash hold your tongue for 12 sec 11:05 talli Unfortunately, people seem to like seeing the same show over and over again with tiny things tweaked 11:05 Leetmouse someone taser ash 11:05 The_GodfatherSJP hell, outside of TSCC, the only shows I watched regularly in the past 2 years were the Sopranos, BSG, Top Gear, and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares UK 11:05 *** Snarf quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 11:05 persia Roxy said she had one 11:05 jfhenry this is the genius of lost. no one knew it saw syfy for three years. 11:06 jessicatron excuse me, my many cats are breaking the house. 11:06 The_GodfatherSJP usually I watch a lot of movies 11:06 JH 120 secs 11:06 jfhenry and by syfy i mean scifi 11:06 R gknee77 one sign of hope is that neilsen has this thing called rewardtv.com where it opens up the survey to more ppl 11:06 morricone i think ash wiped a lot b/c of us and his rep costs are way up and now he has to concentrate on his raid 11:06 talli @Josh Exactly. Passed out drunk on his keyboard. Or drunk typing a 1000 word essay 11:06 RoxyB what did I say I had? 11:06 timt2318 maybe you can talk fox into renaming TSCC to Terminato:CSI 11:06 Belial69699 speaking of watching the same show over and over, explain to me how people love shows like american idol?? omg, watching that show makes my brain hurt and sucks my will to live.. 11:06 RebelFraggle @Jfhenry that is how JJ worked Alias too 11:06 persia chat transcripts 11:06 persia ? 11:06 RoxyB oh, cat 11:06 RoxyB heh 11:06 The_GodfatherSJP or his comp crashed, always a possibility if he uses Windows 11:06 hero77 watch idol on DVR so you can fast forward it 11:06 CIsaac Can Ash drunk dial a chat room? 11:06 Zable The only show I care about is TSCC. The rest is just meh. 11:06 jfhenry ash does not use windows. 11:06 honestyy lol 11:06 Thecolours Lost was more episodic in it's first two seasons. It's why it did so well in the ratings. 11:06 persia cinebo want the early ones 11:06 GKnee77 so maybe they will expand their technology to include demographics other than american idol lovers 11:06 talli @Belia But he's been typing for lik 10 minutes. And now he's gone? 11:07 guest_138 Skynet took over his computer. 11:07 Leetmouse just doors? 11:07 ashman01 I AM FINE 11:07 SADGUY wb 11:07 RoxyB I hate Skynet 11:07 jessicatron anything is possible if you just put your mind to it @ CIssaac 11:07 Russell @josh if you change one thing about TSCC what would it be? 11:07 ashman01 i am so awake you cant believe it 11:07 honestyy no, he's still here 11:07 CIsaac I honestly don't think I'll watch anything but HBO or cable aside from TSCC. there's just NOTHING else on. 11:07 jfhenry episodic and focused on romance. and also a very un-sci fi idea: survivor! 11:07 morricone ashman01, i thought i had to call the ambulance 11:07 aelysian Ah, internet. It's so easy to stalk people. Even their keystrokes. 11:07 Belial69699 @talli past out from whiskey on keybaord and disconnected when face hit keyboard 11:07 hero77 family guy is still funny 11:07 persia Please no reality 11:07 The_GodfatherSJP as for Sci-Fi being a stigma, I know plenty of people who refused to watch BSG at first just because of the name and that it was associated with the 80's TV show (which was crap in my opinion) 11:07 hero77 south park too 11:07 jfhenry @Russell: the ratings. 11:07 talli @Josh you think people would realize it's sci fi with the "monster"/black smoke. I think a lot of people STILL don't realize it's sci fi or are in denial 11:07 wahoo4 @jfhenry did the three dots idea come from this? http://www.wallpaperbase.com/wallpap...._10.jpg lol 11:07 RoxyB @CIssac - Fringe, Lost, Bones, 30 Rock, the Office... there's good stuff 11:07 jessicatron *sigh* i miss chatrooms. so 1996 for me. 11:08 RoxyB nothing nearly as good as TSCC though 11:08 hero77 the office is key 11:08 timt2318 lost makes me want to give up on mankind and blow my frigging brains out 11:08 kevinj @Josh Ash do you watch much TV? Have a favorite show other than TSCC? 11:08 JH write @ and thats it who u wanna talk to ex @ashaman 11:08 talli @Belia Though the success of American Idol is pretty much the only reason Fox can afford to take chances on shows like TSCC 11:08 Thecolours I thought the smoke monster only kills people who dererve it. What did the pilot due to dserve it in the first ep? 11:08 JH @JF 11:08 guest_073 jessica: twitter is good..its like the chatroom 24/7 11:08 astropixie Josh, it surprises me that you like Lost. I loved the first season, but it really started to drag after that, imo. 11:08 CIsaac @RoxyB -- I deny your propaganda and lies in favor of my biased, uninformed opinion! == Добавлено (17.05.2009, 11:11) --------------------------------------------- А вообще я запустил irc - клиента и теперь собираю логи им, а не в браузере.
Hey! I like this gate!
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FK100 | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:12 | Сообщение » 649 |
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| Quote А вообще я запустил irc - клиента и теперь собираю логи им, а не в браузере. отлично! занятные "посиделки" творятся
Отредактировано FK100 - Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:33 |
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kite | Воскресенье, 17.05.2009, 11:13 | Сообщение » 650 |
Сообщений: 1373
| Quote (colombina_bambina) Вот " Кости" то продлили, я прошу прощения, но это такое г.вно, я его смотрела и прямо противно становилось от каждой новой серии, особенно не понравилась главная героиня, я не против жесткости и увлечения работой, но выглядело это как то наигранно, фальшиво Даже не представляешь, как я с тобой согласен. Я даже диск в мусорку выбросил.
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